Thursday, March 4, 2010

Howdy folks. Or folkettes. Or both...

I can't believe Robot Jake picked Vienna. She seems smelly. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then seriously, I LOVE YOU. That piece of garbage show sucked me in somehow and I'm so disappointed in myself that I stuck with it for most of the run. Literal waste of life right there. Thankfully there's DVR's now (how the F@#$K did we ever live without those????), so I was able to view each horrific episode of "The Douchebag" in less than 10 minutes (made sure to watch anytime Ali was on though, hehe, she's hot, sue me). Still, it's time in my life I'd like back please.

Anyhoo, never done this blog thing before, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Right now I look at it as a way to vent my daily (or most likely weekly, knowing how lazy I'll get in about ten minutes about sticking with this blog thing) frustrations about the stupidity (and yes, maybe even sometimes the awesome-ness) of life, as well as a way to shamelessly promote the eight million things I'm trying to do in LA right now in order to get my acting/writing/directing/producing/editing/wedding video business/Ninja Turtle-ing/whatever career off the ground.

First off - in what will now be known as The Shameless Self-Promoting Myself Happy Fun Explosion Time Section of my blog - I'd like to tell you to PLEASE check out my ongoing web series "Paranormal, Burbank" @ I'm really proud of this thing. We've been writing and filming it for over TWO YEARS now (time is FLYING and that SUCKS), but I feel like we're finally getting into the swing of things with the show and there's some really fun episodes ahead in the future. Everyone involved works so hard on it, for such a small little project it's been such an incredible experience so far. I'd advise anyone with access to a camera (even if you don't have one) to come up with a simple idea and just go out and DO IT. Film it, even if it sucks (maybe it doesn't suck). It'll change your life, I promise you. So again, give "Paranormal, Burbank" a quick checking out (become a fan on Facebook!)...and if you like it, tell at least one friend to check it out too. I'll bake you a cake then (hope you like burnt cake). Thanks. :)

I guess that's the one thing I've learned more than anything else living in LA: to try everything once. To not be afraid to say "You know what, there's a really good chance that this is gonna suck balls, but I don't care, I'm diving right in." Hell, I guess I knew that a little bit when I quit my job in MI, sold my house, and moved to LA in March of 2006. But LA has solidified that motto in me. It's forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and really look in the mirror at who I am, inside and out. In the past four years (well, it'll be four years officially on St. Patty's Day!), I can't believe how much Hollywood has taught me, how much it's changed me (for the better I hope, I feel like it has anyway). It's kicked me, bit me, punched me, bruised me, made sweet sweet love to me, told me I'm the best thing that's ever happened to it, and then it's thrown me up into a smelly dumpster behind a bar that has a really beautiful interior that I hope to own one day. And I love it. I really, really do. I never thought in a million years I'd be able to say that I love it as much as I do. More on this crazy/wonderful town soon...

I'll shut up for now.

Blogs are kinda strange. It feels weird to talk about myself and be like "Hey everyone, read about ME." But it really is kind of therapeutic in a way. I guess it can be good to talk about what's on your mind and not worry about spelling and punctuation or what people think, and just write. I'll stick with it for awhile I guess. Like I said before, gotta try everything once. It's like how I feel with that horrible piece of dog piss "The Bachelor" (and the million other AWFUL shows out right now), you can't call something dog piss until you've tried it once, and then, if it does in fact turn out to be dog piss, at least you can say you know for sure what it's purpose is.

Rock on,


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